Complemento verbale

Dopo questi verbi può esserci un oggetto che rappresenta la meta dell'azione descritta dal verbo, ma non il suo esecutore.

to hear ascoltare
to see vedere
to keep incitare
to leave lasciare
to want volere
to wish desiderare
to would like volere

Di questi verbi abbiamo già parlato nel capitolo e

He has already said it often enough.
oggetto: it; azione: It was said.
She wants the house painted by Monday.
oggetto: the house; azione: The house should be painted by Monday.
I would like him done with his homework.
oggetto: him; azione: He should have done his homework.  
We had our apartment cleaned by professionals.
oggetto: our apartment; azione: The apartment was cleand by professionals.  
Have you really got your passport stolen?
oggetto: passport; azione: The passport was stolen.  

contatto informazione legale consenso al trattamento dei dati personali