Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of the Three Garridebs 6

"Why did he ever drag you into it at all?" asked our visitor with a sudden outflame of anger. "What in thunder had you to do with it? Here was a bit of professional business between two gentlemen, and one of them must call in a detective! I saw him this morning, and he told me this fool-trick he had played me, and that's why I am here. But I feel bad about it, all the same." "There was no reflection upon you, Mr. Garrideb. It was simply zeal upon his part to gain your end -- an end which is, I understand, equally vital for both of you. He knew that I had means of getting information, and, therefore, it was very natural that he should apply to me."
"Porque le incitó a meterse en este asunto?", preguntó nuestro visitante de repente lleno de rabia.
"Qué tiene que ver usted con todo esto? Había un negocio entre dos caballeros y uno de ellos
tenía que llamar a un detective! Le he visto esta mañana y me contó de esta bufonada que me hizo, y esto es la razón por la cual estoy aquí. Pero igual estoy fastidiado por esto."
"Esto no tiene nada que ver con usted, Mr. Garrideb. Era simplemente su deseo de cumplir
su parte de vuestro proyecto - un proyecto, si lo entiendo bien, es tan importante para él que para usted. Él sabía que yo tengo la posibilidad de acceder a informaciones y por lo tanto era bastante normal de recurrir a un detective. "

Our visitor's angry face gradually cleared.
"Well, that puts it different," said he. "When I went to see him this morning and he told me he had sent to a detective, I just asked for your address and came right away. I don't want police butting into a private matter. But if you are content just to help us find the man, there can be no harm in that."
La cara enojada de nuestro visitante se suavizo. "Bueno, esto es otra cosa", dijo. "Cuando le encontré esta mañana y me dijo que se había metido en contacto con un detective, pregunté por su dirección y me vine sin tardar. No quiero que la policía se meta en este asunto privado. Pero si usted se contenta de ayudarnos de encontrar el hombre, no puede nada de nocivo en esto. "

"Well, that is just how it stands," said Holmes. "And now, sir, since you are here, we had best have a clear account from your own lips. My friend here knows nothing of the details."
"Bueno, de esto se trata", dijo Holmes. "Y ahora, ya que esta aquí, la mejor cosa que se puede hacer
es que usted nos cuenta todo con sus propias palabras. Mi amigo no sabe nada de los detalles."

grammar gramática
he told me this fool-trick [that] he had played me... frases relativas (ohne that)
It was simply zeal upon his part to gain your end... construcciones con infinitivo
He knew that I had means of getting information... gerundio y participio
he should apply to me... condicional y conjuntivo
gradually adverbio
I don't want police butting into a private matter. gerundio y participio
My friend here knows nothing of the details. pronombre indefinido

contatto informazione legale consenso ai tratamiento dei dati